63 monthes Ago - Visits: 1
ATLANTA (June 23, 2019) – ASHRAE recognized the outstanding achievements and contributions of members to the Society and the heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration industry at the 2019 ASHRAE Annual Conference, June 22-26, in Kansas City, Mo. The following is a list of awards and recipients.
Lincoln Bouillon Award
Carlos E. Arguijo, P.E., of the El Paso Chapter, received the Lincoln Bouillon Award, which recognizes a member who performs the most outstanding work in increasing membership. The award commemorates Presidential Member Bouillon’s efforts in recruiting new members. Arguijo is a mechanical engineer, Huitt-Zollars, Inc., El Paso, Texas.
Chapter Program Star Award
Joe Chow of the Hong Kong Chapter, received the Chapter Program Star Award, which recognizes excellence in chapter program endeavors. Chow is a manager, Hong Kong District Company Limited, Hong Kong, China.
William J. Collins, Jr. RP Award
Daniel Redmond, P.Eng., of the Ottawa Valley Chapter, received the William J. Collins Jr. RP Award. The award, named in honor of Presidential Member Collins, recognizes a chapter RP chair who excels in raising funds for ASHRAE’s RP campaign. Redmond is director of operations and maintenance services, Facilities Management and Planning, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Donald Bahnfleth Environmental Health Award
William P. Bahnfleth, Ph.D., P.E., Presidential Fellow Life Member ASHRAE, received the Donald Bahnfleth Environmental Health Award. The award, named in honor of Presidential Member Donald Bahnfleth, recognizes excellence in volunteer service focused on environmental health issues. Bahnfleth is a professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Penn. State University, University Park, Pa.
Homer Addams Award
Omer Sarfraz, received the Homer Addams Award. The award, named after Homer Addams, founder and past president of ASHVE, which is a predecessor to ASHRAE, recognizes a graduate student who has been engaged in an ASHRAE research project at a university that has graduate programs in the areas of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and has achieved a high standard of performance in this work. Sarfraz is a student, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Okla.
Government Affairs Award
Meghan K. McNulty, P.E., of the Atlanta Chapter, received the Government Affairs Award. The award recognizes individuals for outstanding effort and achievement in state, provincial and local government activities in connection with technical issues related to the Society. McNulty is project engineer, Servidyne, Atlanta, Ga.
Lou Flagg Historical Award
Randy C. Schrecengost, P.E., of the Austin Chapter, received the Lou Flagg Historical Award, which recognizes an individual for preparing the most outstanding historical presentation related to HVAC&R. The award is named in recognition of Presidential Member Lou Flagg, who promoted an interest in history. Schrecengost is senior project manager and principal mechanical engineer, Stanley Consultants, Inc., Austin, Texas.
Standards Achievement Award
Richard L. Hall, P.E., Life Member ASHRAE, received the Standards Achievement Award, which recognizes exceptional service in the area of standards leadership and technical contribution. Hall is president, Hall Consultants, Worthington, Ohio.
Ralph G. Nevins Physiology & Human Environment Award
Bin Cao, Ph.D., received the Ralph G. Nevins Physiology and Human Environment Award. The award, named in honor of Ralph Nevins and his contributions to research, is given to a researcher under the age of 40 for significant accomplishments in the study of bioenvironmental engineering and its effect on human comfort and health. Cao is an assistant professor, Department of Building Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Student Activities Achievement Award
Michel D. Hayek, received the Student Activities Achievement Award, which recognizes a chapter student activities chair for growth of student activities. Hayek is professor, mechanical engineering, Notre Dame University-Louaize, Zouk-Mosbeh, Lebanon.
Youth Outreach Award
Cinthya Cecilia Carrillo Mendez, P.E., received the Youth Outreach Award, which recognizes the outstanding effort of a member who actively engages a youth audience in their country, region, or local community through science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) activities. Carrillo Mendez is a HVAC project engineer, Western Allied Mechanical, Menlo Park, Calif.
ASHRAE Journal Paper Award
Daniel Koenigshofer, P.E., and John W. Roberts, P.E., Life Member ASHRAE, received the Journal Paper Award for the article, “Do OA Economizers Make ‘Cents’ in Hospitals?” judged to be the best article published in ASHRAE Journal. Koenigshofer is vice president of heath care engineering and Roberts is senior mechanical engineer, Dewberry Engineering, Raleigh, N.C.
Science and Technology for the Built Environment Best Paper Award
Burak Gunay, Ph.D., Weiming Shen, and Chunsheng Yang, received the 2018 Science and Technology for the Built Environment Best Paper Award for “Blackbox Modeling of Central Heating and Cooling Plant Equipment Performance.” The article was published in November 2017. Gunay is an assistant professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Shen is principal research officer and Yang is senior research officer, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Crosby Field Award
Amy Van Asselt, Ph.D., Douglas T. Reindl, Ph.D., P.E., Fellow ASHRAE and Gregory F. Nellis, Fellow ASHRAE, received the 2018 Crosby Field Award for the paper “Strategies to Increase Deployment of Renewables Using Cool Thermal Energy Storage,” which was judged to be the best paper presented before the Society. The Crosby Field Award is named for a former Presidential Member. Van Asselt is assistant professor, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Reindl is a professor and Nellis is Ouweneel-Bascom professor and associate chair, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
ASHRAE Technical Paper Award
The following papers received a Technical Paper Award, which recognizes the authors of the best papers presented at Society conferences:
Willis H. Carrier Award
Peng Yin, Ph.D., and Carl Lewis Reid, received the Willis H. Carrier Award, which is given to a member 32 years of age or younger for presenting an outstanding paper at a Society conference. The award is presented for “Modeling Variable-Airflow Series Fan-Powered Terminal Units with a Mass and Energy Balance Approach.” Yin is assistant professor, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, La. Reid is systems specialist, Environmental Systems Corporation, Austin, Texas.
Distinguished Service Award
The Distinguished Service Award salutes members of any grade who have served the Society faithfully and with distinction and who have given freely of their time and talent in chapter, regional and Society activities. The following members were recognized:
Exceptional Service Award
The Exceptional Service Award recognizes Distinguished Service Award recipients who have continued to serve faithfully and with exemplary effort. The following members were recognized:
Distinguished 50-Year Member Award
The Distinguished 50-Year Member Award is given to individuals who have been a member for a minimum of 50 years, and are either a past Society president, Fellow ASHRAE or Distinguished Service Award recipient or who have performed outstanding service to ASHRAE or its predecessor societies – the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers (ASHVE), the American Society of Refrigerating Engineers (ASRE), and the American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHAE). The following members received this award:
Andrew T. Boggs Service Award
Ross D. Montgomery, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, received the Andrew T. Boggs Service Award. The award, named after ASHRAE’s executive vice president emeritus, recognizes an Exceptional Service Award recipient for continuing unselfish, dedicated and distinguished service. Montgomery is president, Quality Systems & Technology Inc., Tampa, Fla.
Louise & Bill Holladay Distinguished Fellow Award
Predrag Pega Hrnjak, Fellow Life Member ASHRAE, received the Louise and Bill Holladay Distinguished Fellow Award. This annual award is given to an ASHRAE Fellow for continuous preeminence in engineering or research work. The honor was initiated in 1979 by Presidential Member Bill Holladay. Hrnjak is Stoecker Faculty Fellow, Distinguished Research Professor, Director, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ill., and president, Creative Thermal Solutions, Inc., Urbana, Ill.
Founded in 1894, ASHRAE is a global leader in the advancement of human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. As an industry leader in research, standards writing, publishing, certification and continuing education, ASHRAE and its members are committed to shaping tomorrow’s built environment today through strategic partnerships with organizations in the HVAC&R community and across related industries. For more information and to stay up-to-date on ASHRAE, visit ashrae.org and connect on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.