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A message from ASHRAE president on Paris Climate Accord

A message from ASHRAE president on Paris Climate Accord

June 5, 2017



Dear ASHRAE Members:

Much has been written over the past couple of days regarding the Paris Climate Accord. This global discussion serves as a great opportunity for me to write and remind you of ASHRAE's steadfast commitment to serve humanity and create a more sustainable world.

ASHRAE is a global Society of 57,000 dedicated professionals in more than 130 countries, committed to reducing the environmental impact of buildings by making them more energy efficient. In fact, the Paris Climate Accord makes the critical role of ASHRAE members in reducing the environmental impact of buildings more important than ever before. Our mission will not waiver as geopolitical tides rise and fall.

Our Society remains dedicated to engineering excellence in environmental stewardship, which is accomplished through research and science. ASHRAE will continue to establish best practice standards for the design and operation of buildings that have lower environmental impacts while simultaneously optimizing health and human comfort for occupants. An excellent example of our research-based approach can be found in our recent investment of $1.3 million ($US) in researching alternative low-GWP (Global Warming Potential) refrigerants.

Our work is critically important and explains, in large part, the passion our dedicated volunteers and world-class staff consistently demonstrate. I know we will continue this noble work, as a global community, to reach our commitment to create a more sustainable world.




Tim Wentz

President, 2016-2017





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