Like all businesses around the globe, ASHRAE must react to the ongoing threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the Society determines how to respond to the evolving circumstances, our highest priority is the safety and welfare of our volunteers and staff. We hope that you and your families are healthy, safe and secure.
As you know, a COVID-19 resource page has been created to pool ASHRAE technical resources that are relevant to the pandemic. This resource page has received high viewer traffic since it was released two weeks ago.
The Society is also taking steps to modify meetings and travel operations in response to the COVID-19 outbreak:
Distinguished Lecture Program is being suspended until July 1st, the beginning of the new 2020-21 Society Year. If the Chapter and DL agree, the presentations may be delivered electronically.
Volunteers responsible for Region VI, VIII and XI Chapter Regional Conferences (CRC's) scheduled to take place in the next 60 days have been strongly encouraged to postpone those regional conferences for several months. Society leaders will continue to evaluate the impact of the pandemic on Fall Chapter Regional Conferences.
Chapter Leaders are encouraged to consider whether in-person meetings are appropriate based on the local circumstances and a local risk assessment. Many Chapters do not meet between June and August, and shifting March to May meetings to an electronic format may be prudent. Use of webinars, GoToMeetings, and other electronic meeting systems are encouraged. Hot zone maps located online and local, state, country or provincial health departments can help with local risk assessments. The safety and welfare of members is our highest priority.
The Society is currently planning to move forward with the Annual Meeting in Austin, June 27th to July 1st. Registration is open. Housing will be open very soon. We will continuously assess the viability of the June meeting as the pandemic circumstances change.
Like the Austin Annual Meeting, in-person fee-based educational courses will also continue subject to instructor availability.
Non-essential officer travel will be eliminated through the end of the Society year.
ASHRAE Learning Institute will postpone all in-person, public courses scheduled for March, April and May.ASHRAE will continue to monitor the circumstances for courses scheduled June 2020 and beyond.
All members are strongly encouraged to follow CDC and WHO guidelines related to minimizing the risk of COVID-19 infection.
The ASHRAE Board of Directors will continuously assess the impact of the CORVID-19 and adjust Society activities and resources accordingly. Members will be kept informed as ASHRAE adjusts to these rapidly changing circumstances.